Saturday, May 30, 2009

On a Roll Again?

I won 3, count 'em, 3 instant win games this morning. And I do mean "morning"--like between 3 and 4 AM this morning. That was a ridiculous time for me to be awake since I am sleep deprived already, but I decided that since I was up, I may as well try a few games. I won another $20 gift card from Coke (which is really $25) bringing my grand total so far to $100! I also won free movie tickets from Coke. And for the first time, I won something in the Hershey's Rock your Block contest. I got a free Rascal Flatts song download. Not too shabby, eh?


Friday, May 29, 2009

For My Baby

My sweet little angel girl,
Your eyes so full of wonder
and I am completely under
your spell.
I watch you so carefully,
imagining what thoughts fill your head
and wishing you could tell me
all of your dreams.
I listen to you laugh
and hope that you know even half
of how much I love you
with every day that goes rushing by.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Source of income?

I won another $20 gift card from the Coke instant win game yesterday. What is really cool is that they actually put $25 on the card. My total money winnings to date is now $75. I've read that some people use sweeping as a means of supplementing their income. I'd love it if I could win enough for that to be a viable option. I mean, $75 is great for grocery money or other necessities, but it's hardly a living. It will come in very handy, though.

It would be nice to win a TV, also. Mine is about to bite the dust, I think, from the cracking and the popping noises it makes sometimes. I hope it doesn't blow up!

Today, I finally unpacked the sewing machine that I bought for myself a couple of weeks ago. A friend gave me a Target gift card for my birthday, so I used it to get the sewing machine. Now, if I can just remember how to thread it.... It comes with a manual, but reading it would take away the challenge, wouldn't it?

I haven't done any sewing in about 12 years, but I'm hoping the hang of it will come back to me. I want to make baby girl some cool Halloween and dress up costumes.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Blue, blue, blue

My winning streak has come to an end. Nothing since Sunday. I couldn't even win toiler paper! I'm so bummed. I have to say that the Instant Win games are pretty addictive. I guess it's the instant gratification--heady stuff!

Baby girl was up most of the night coughing. She has asthma so I was pretty worried and took her to the doctor this morning, but her lungs are clear. Her sinuses are draining, poor dear. The pollen around here has been crazy.

I have to go get some rest now that she is sleeping. By the way, I have a My Space page now if you care to visit me.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rain, Bubbles and Winning

I can't believe it, but I won another $20 gift card this afternoon from the Coca Cola sweepstakes while my baby was taking a nap. Why my luck kicks in today instead of last night for the Powerball drawing is a hypothetical query rife with irony, but I'm not thumbing my nose at $20. $170 million does have a pleasant ring, though.

It's been overcast and raining a good part of the day, but baby and I still went outside and played on the porch several hours today. She just loves to be outside and doesn't seem to mind if it's cloudy. I blew lots of bubbles for her which entertains her endlessly. She also thinks I'm funny, but she's a pretty easy audience. ;) Of course, I find her even more fascinating. I can just see those little wheels turning, especially when she hears the word "no". She does not care for that at all, but none of us do, really, do we?

A couple of the sweeps I've been entering ended today, so I've gotta go find some more to enter. Hope my lucky streak lasts for a while....


Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Good Week

Well, I've only been "sweeping" since May 7, and I won a $20 gift card the first day. Wednesday this week, I won two free movie tickets. This morning, I checked my email, and among all the Nigerian money scam spam (don't you hate that stuff???), I'd won some Bolle sunglasses from play yesterday and today I won a Miller Sun-Chaser Kit (chapstick, bottle opener, and bottle koozie). Not bad for doing nothing but play on the computer. Now all I need to do is win one of those big money contests. Or Powerball.....

I'm off to do what I do best--procrastinate on all the things I should be doing. Anyway, gotta go play some games and win some stuff while I'm on a roll! Mama needs some new barbeque tongs! (Honestly, there's a giveaway for those...)

In the meantime, check out my little brother's My Space page. He's a photographer and does everything from candids to nature shots. Here's the link:


Friday, May 15, 2009

The results

Here's a picture of my beautiful gift card that I received in the mail today. I'm a winner!!!

Not a Loser Anymore

On May 7, 2009, I entered the bright shiny world of online sweepstakes entry for the very first time. My hands trembled as I read the Official Rules and held my mouse, poised to strike the "Click to Enter" link. Dared I hope to be an Instant Winner? Could I aspire so high? I took a steadying breath, and launched into action. The link had been clicked. My life hung in the balance as the pretty Flash graphics reloaded. A decision came--"Thanks, but you are not a winner. Please play again tomorrow." Could there be a kinder way to tell me that I am a loser? The sweepstakes gods are so courteous.

But wait--all is not lost! This sweepstakes allows you to play twice a day and a winner is declared every 5 minutes. Should I play again immediately? Or wait until some strange hour during the day? I decide to wait.

An hour later, I sat before my computer screen, mesmerized by the pretty colors. There it was again--"Click to Enter". I heard Liza Minnelli singing in my head, "Maybe this time, I'll be lucky. Maybe this time I'll win...." I pressed the mouse. Once again I waited for the spinning color graphics. I blinked. Could it be? "Congratulations! You've won a $20 Gift Card!" Whaaat??? I won? I won! I won! I won! I'm a winner! Sing it, Liza! "Not a loser anymore, like the last time and the time before..." Gotta love Liza. And I love winning!!!